I am stinkin' disappointed. There was a retreat scheduled for pastors and wives around our district who serve either small churches or live in remote areas. I've heard great things about this conference and have been looking forward to it since October, when I had to pass on the last conference (yes, I'm still pouting a teeny bit about that).
So we got a call at 9:30 last night from a nice man who had the misfortune of delivering the bad news to ourselves and who knows how many others in our multi-state region -- canceled because of the weather. Bad roads, whatever.
The mature, grown-up girl in me says, "It's for the best. Best to hunker down at home when it's this cold. Best not to risk getting stranded or stuck somewhere even more remote than here." But the disappointed girl in me just says, "This really stinks. I really don't want to be in my own home tonight. I want to be in the hotel hot tub, I want to just have me to look after. No cooking. No putting small people to bed who don't want to go to bed." Grandma was coming, and I was ready to bolt...just for two days.
But, alas, there will be no bolting. Just staying home, doing dishes, putting kids to bed. Truly, this is stupid to be frustrated over. Thankfulness is what's needed here. And right now, I need to be kind to my husband who would like to hear the scores of the national championship football game. No ESPN at our house, and the poor guy's disappointed. So here's to being a big girl.